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Pack N Pounce Animal Rescue: Sponsor a Pet Grant Report

How did this grant help your organization and the pets in your care?

The money that was donated was used to pay a vet bill for a dog who had acid thrown into her eyes.

The grant helped relieve the stress of having to come up with funding for a very special dog who had an immediate need and could not wait for vet care. She was able to get the care she needed and we were able to have the funds needed for other animals to get spayed/neutered and vaccinated.

How many pets did this grant help?


Please provide a story of one or more specific pets this grant helped.

Stinzy came to our rescue from her owner, with the claim that she was in excellent health except that she had conjunctivitis. Her owners admitted to not being able to take her to the vet for care, but we could not imagine leaving her with her eyes so hurt. We brought her to the vet for her first exam and the vet thought she might have eyelid entropion and would need several surgeries. After medication, the swelling went down and we realized that it was not entropion but acid damage to her eyes. She will be permanently blind in one eye but she has recovered excellently. Her hair may never fully grow back in but she is very happy in her new home. Her new family doesn’t mind that she isn’t perfect. They are just grateful to have her in their home.

Further Reading